It is such a joy for me to pastor such loving and faithful people as I have found here at Grace. God has given me a church that is easy to pastor. Why? Because of the evident self-sacrificial love for one another and the desire to grow through the preaching and teaching of the Word. Grace is a special place where one will find a sweet family of caring people who love Christ and believe in keeping the gospel the priority of their lives.
In the 12 years of our ministry here, we have seen God do some amazing things. Miracles! And by miracles, I mean the greatest of ALL miracles… giving hell-deserving sinners like me eternal salvation! God is so gracious to allow us to see people repent and put their trust in Christ for their eternal salvation. And now I am anticipating even greater things, believing that God is going to continue to transform lives through the gospel preached in truth.
I have a strong conviction that for God’s people to live the life Christ intended, they must first have the proper foundation. I believe that this foundation is doctrinal truth.
When grounded in doctrinal truth, the believer will find that the practice of that truth will be consistent and effective. So it is my goal that what comes from the pulpit of Grace Baptist be primarily expositional and that the gospel be the main focus.
It is my passion to see God’s people being fed from God’s Word and growing by it. I Peter 2:2 says, “Like newborn infants, long for the spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.” Nothing thrills my soul more than to see this longing in the local church.
I hope that you will find in Grace Baptist Church a fellowship of Christ-followers that have a love for Christ and a love for people.
Come and grow with us!
– Pastor Mark