May 5, 2019
James 2:20-26
In this message we find out what James meant when he said that one is justified by works in this sermon entitled "Justified by Works?".
- May 5, 2019James 2:20-26
May 5, 2019James 2:20-26In this message we find out what James meant when he said that one is justified by works in this sermon entitled "Justified by Works?".
- May 5, 2019I Thessalonians 1:9a-10
May 5, 2019I Thessalonians 1:9a-10We continue in I Thessalonians 1 and "The Indicators of Election".
- Apr 28, 2019James 2:19
Apr 28, 2019James 2:19In this message Pastor Mark delves into the characteristics of the belief of demons and shows us how this "demon faith" is what many professing Christians actually have.
- Apr 28, 2019I Thessalonians 1:6-9a
Apr 28, 2019I Thessalonians 1:6-9aContinue with us as we study I Thessalonians 1:6-9a and see the dynamic of this vibrant and obedient church and the example they have set for all of Christ's churches.
- Apr 21, 2019The Indisputable Proof of Christ’s Resurrection
Apr 21, 2019The Indisputable Proof of Christ’s ResurrectionIn our evening service on Easter Sunday, Pastor Mark preaches on "The Indisputable Proof of Christ's Resurrection: the Lie"
- Apr 21, 2019The Indisputable Facts of Christ’s Resurrection
Apr 21, 2019The Indisputable Facts of Christ’s ResurrectionListen as Pastor Mark presents on Easter Sunday morning, 3 indisputable facts of Christ's resurrection.
- Apr 16, 2019I Thessalonians 1:5
Apr 16, 2019I Thessalonians 1:5In this message we consider the 4th indicator of genuine salvation as given in I Thessalonians 1:5: the reception of the gospel.
- Apr 7, 2019James 2:14-18
Apr 7, 2019James 2:14-18In this message Pastor Mark continues in James 2 as we learn about the character of true saving faith. How does one know for sure if he is truly saved? This passage very clearly gives the answer.
- Apr 7, 2019I Thessalonians 1:3-4
Apr 7, 2019I Thessalonians 1:3-4We continue in I Thessalonians 1:3-4 to see the last 2 virtues Paul says were evident in that church and should be evident in any true New Testament church and the truth of election.
- Mar 31, 20191 Thessalonians 1:2-3a
Mar 31, 20191 Thessalonians 1:2-3aPastor Mark continues to take us through I Thessalonians and teaches us concerning "The Trio of Christian Virtues" from verse 3. Today's message defines and describes saving faith.
- Mar 24, 2019James 2:8-13
Mar 24, 2019James 2:8-13In this message we continue to learn why God hates favoritism in the local church from James 2:8-13.
- Mar 24, 2019Introduction to I Thessalonians
Mar 24, 2019Introduction to I ThessaloniansPastor Mark begins an expositional study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians by introducing us to the book and its greeting.